Halloween Party

As much as we enjoy celebrations, firework displays, and festive gatherings, these noisy events can be a source of intense stress for our feline companions. The sudden loud noises and changes in routine can cause anxiety in cats, leading to hiding, trembling, or even behavioural problems like inappropriate urination or scratching and hiding. However, with some preparation and synthetic pheromones, you can help your cat stay calm and comfortable during fireworks and party season.

Additional Tips for Reducing Stress During Fireworks and Party Season

  • Ahead of the planned or predicted event, you could consider playing fireworks noises on the television or smartphone to get your cat used to these sounds. Initially, pair these noises with a high-reward treat, increasing the volume over a period of time to help your cat associate the noises with a positive reward.
  • Stick to a Routine: Cats find comfort in routine, so try to maintain your cat’s regular feeding, playtime, and sleep schedule, even if you’re hosting a party or there’s a firework display.
  • Provide a Safe Space: Set up a designated area where your cat can retreat. Include their favourite bedding, a scratching post, and pheromone products to make it feel like a secure, quiet sanctuary.
  • If visitors are coming into the home, it may be a good idea to print out a ‘Keep cats inside’ poster to stick to the entry and exit points to the home to ensure cats don’t escape.

You can find these ready to print out here- https://images.app.goo.gl/EypACGcvPoQECMwX8

Don’t Force Interaction: If your cat prefers to hide or stay away from guests, don’t try to force them to interact. Allowing them to remain in a calm, quiet space will reduce their anxiety.

Limit Exposure to Noise: Close windows and curtains and use background noise, such as music or a white noise machine, to help mask the sound of fireworks or loud conversations.

Amanda Campion

Clinical Feline Behaviourist CAB APBC ABTC


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